Exhibition in the Hague: Setting the wheels of justice in motion | A Safer World For The Truth

«A Safer World For The Truth» est un projet collaboratif entre Free Press Unlimited (FPU), le Comité pour la protection des journalistes (CPJ) et Reporters sans frontières (RSF).

The data used in this Monument is drawn from a database of attacks on the press compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ). Due to the time needed to verify each new case, it is possible that recent events have not yet been added to the Monument.

Cela fait jours qu’un journaliste a été tué pour la dernière fois à cause de son travail. Son nom était .

Exhibition in the Hague: Setting the wheels of justice in motion

What does it take to bring you your news?

A Safer World for the Truth tells the story of the over 1400 journalists who have been murdered in reprisal for their work since 1992.

Their investigations were often crucial for the exposure of corruption and organized crime, but in nearly every case, their own murders remain uninvestigated and unpunished.

The exhibition is being held form 19 September 2022 07:00 - 7 October 2022 16:00. More here.

Poster- exhibition
Exhibition in the Hague
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